Kamis, 10 April 2008

Feel The Rhythym!

OK, so I have to admit I got sucked into American Idol last night and their fundraising show for various charities across the world. Outside of being a huge U2 fan, so the part with Bono really got me, the other part I really enjoyed was Gloria Estafan. Not that I'm a huge fan, but I do think her song "The Rythym is Gonna Get You" (I don't know the actual title), has a lot to do with soccer.

If you watched any of the champions league games, over the past 2 days, you could see how there seems to be a beat to everything they do. The flow of the game is just amazing. It's no wonder Brazil is such a power and why drums have always been an intrical part of any great soccer atmosphere.

I've never built a team around great atheltes, I've always built it around great soccer players, and our current group here at TCU is no different. We've got a very talented group of midfielders that have the ability to dictate the rythym of the game, and when it's on it something very special to watch. Between Chelsea Cody, Lizzie Batten, Kaylie Garcia and Michelle Nguyen we've got a unique group with an uncanny ability to feel the rhythym!

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