Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Superb Staff -- Lauren Crawford

One of the things we are all thankful for here at TCU is the incredible staff we have to support our team. One member of the staff who puts in an incredible amount of time and energy is our full time certified athletic trainer, Lauren Crawford. Lauren and her two student training assistants handle the day to day injury prevention, care and rehabilitation of our team. You can always find Lauren in the training room taping and giving treatment to our players before and after training/games, or on the field during training/games, or overseeing the rehab of someone. She also coordinates all of our team's care with our athletic department's staff of doctors. It’s a huge job, and one that Lauren does extremely well. TCU Athletic Training’s dedication to the welfare of our student athletes is second to none as evident in the care all of the teams receive, the incredible medical staff, and the training room facilities here at TCU. We are very fortunate to have Lauren looking after our team, and we just hope all she ever has to do is tape a few ankles, but if necessary she is one of the best when more needs to be done.

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