Kamis, 30 April 2009

Puple Team Takes Spring Competition

Yesterday, the Purple team overcame a two game losing streak in volleyball to hang on and win one game and clinch the 3rd Annual Purple/White Spring Competition. White put on a tremendous effort, where they had to win all 3 games to send the competition to the final grade reports for a chance to win. As it turned out Purple turned it on just in the knick of time to grab the third and final game.

Purple captain, Lizzy Karoly, becomes the first 3 time winner and once again will have her picture with her purple team for all of next year. Also, the white flag in the max will be lowered in pre-season and replaced with the Purple Flag!

The Winning Purple Team consisted of: Lizzy Karoly, Jackie Torda, Katie Taylor, Chelsea Wilgenburg, Katie Runyon, Kaylie Garcia, Emma Geyer, Tara Magdos, Danika Powers, Lauren Wysoski, Alex Mathews and Lindsay Holmes.

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