Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Purple & White Kicked Off Today

The annual Purple & White Spring Competition kicked off today. This is a competition that goes on during the spring practices two seniors, Jackie Torda and Chelsea Cody, picked their respected teams to compete against one another and. Torda represents the Purple Team and Cody is the White team the winner gets their team put on the coveted plaque of past winners that will be up in the new locker room. The two teams will compete once a week in a variety of games such as Soccer Tennis, Two Minutes Two Goals, and small sided games. 

Today the Purple team took the lead in the overall standings by winning 5 small sided games and 3 soccer tennis matches. Due to Kira Michelson-Bartlett's serves in soccer tennis the Purple team was able to take the very important second point in today's competition. The White team will be looking to come out strong on the next day of competition to get on the scoreboard, after everyone enjoys some time off for Spring Break. 

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